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How to Add a Site Logo and Icon in Multi WordPress Theme?


To set your site’s logo, from your WordPress Dashboard go to Appearance > Customize > Site Identity. Choose a logo from your WordPress Media Library or upload a file from your computer. Then you can set the width and height of your logo in pixels. You can also set the vertical offset for desktop and mobile devices, using the following options:

  • Logo vertical offset
  • Logo vertical offset (small screens)

The site’s logo links to your home page by default. However, you can set a custom link using the Logo link option in the same menu.

To customize your logo’s position, go to Appearance > Customize > Header > Layout and use the Logo position in header option. Choose from the following: left top, left bottom, center top, center bottom, right top, right bottom.

You can choose to align other header elements to both sides of the centered logo using Move header elements towards centered logo option in the Customize > Header > Layout options panel.


The site’s icon is an favicon you see on your browser tabs or in your mobile WordPress app.
To set the icon, go to Appearance > Customize > Site Identity and choose a file from the Media Library or upload it directly from your computer. Remember, the icon should be square and at least 512 x 512 pixels.