How to Customize the Subheader in Multi WordPress Theme?
To customize your website’s subheader, from your WordPress Dashboard go to Appearance > Customize > Subheader. Here you can use the following options:
- Show subheader (may be overwritten by post/page settings) – choose to show or hide the subheader by default. This setting may be overwritten by each page or post Display Options.
- Background color – set the subheader background color.
- Background image – add a background image to your subheader, using an image from the WordPress Media Library, or uploading a file directly from your computer.
- Subheader background position – set the subheader background position, choosing from dropdown menu options.
- Background size – set the container background size. Choose from auto, cover, contain, or add a custom value.
- Custom background size – set a custom container background size using any CSS-compatible background-size value. This option works if the background size is set to custom in the Background size option above.
- Parallax effect – you can add a parallax scrolling effect to your subheader.