Recent Projects Block
Recent Projects Block options:
- Slider – choose whether to display your recent projects in a slider or as regular columns.
- Title – add a title to your recent projects.
- Number of projects – set the number of projects you’d like to display.
- Show headline – show or hide each project’s title.
- Show project excerpt – show or hide projects’ excerpt text.
- Excerpt length – set the lenght of the excerpt text you want to display.
- Show “View” button – show or hide “View” button.
- Show “Go” button – show or hide “Go” button.
- Project link target – when clicked, images and headlines can lead to a project’s page or to an image lightbox.
- Strip excerpt of HTML – remove HTML tags from project excerpts.
- Show arrows – show or hide slider arrows. This option is available only with the Slider setting on.
- Navigation dots – show or hide slider paginator dots. This option is available only with the Slider setting on.
- Top margin – set the block top margin using any CSS-compatible margin value.
- Bottom margin – set the block bottom margin using any CSS-compatible margin value.
- Layout – set the projects layout. Choose from Columns and Metro.
- Number of columns – set the number of columns. This option is available only with the Slider setting off.
- Column gap – set the width of the gap between the columns. To make the columns overlap, use a negative value.
- Full width – set your recent projects to full page width. This option works with a wide, no-sidebar page layout.
- Title style – set the title style from Heading 1 to 10 or use the default style that is set in the Customizer.
- Class – add a custom CSS class to your recent projects.
- ID – add a custom CSS ID to your recent projects.
- Style – add an inline CSS style to your recent projects.