Testimonial Block
Testimonial Block options:
- Name – add testimonial author’s name here.
- Name link – you can add a link URL to testimonial author’s name here.
- Organization – add testimonial author’s organization’s name here.
- Organization link – you can add a link URL to testimonial author’s organization’s name.
- Avatar – add author’s avatar here. Choose an image from your WordPress Media Library or upload a file from your computer.
- Avatar width – set the avatar’s width in pixels.
- Avatar height – set the avatar’s height in pixels.
- Top margin – set the testimonial top margin using any CSS-compatible margin vallue.
- Bottom margin – set the testimonial bottom margin using any CSS-compatible margin value.
- Style type – choose a style type for your testimonial. Choose from options from Design 1 to Design 6.
- Inverted – place the avatar on the other side of the testimonial quote. This option only applies to Design 6 testimonial style.
- Font size – set the default font size for testimonial text.
- Line height – set the default line height for testimonial text.
- Signature font size – set the font size for testimonial’s signature.
- Signature line height – set the line height for testimonial’s signature.
- Text align – set testimonial’s text and avatar alignment to left, center or right.
- Quote size – set a size for testimonial’s quotation marks. Choose from normal, large, extra large. To not display quotation marks, choose none.
- Quote color – set a color for testimonial’s quotation marks.
- Rounded corners – choose whether to set rounded corners for your testimonial’s quote. This option only applies to Design 1 and Design 6 testimonial styles.
- Text color – set the testimonial text color.
- Name color – set a color for testimonial author’s name.
- Organization color – set a color for testimonial author organization’s name.
- Border color – set your testimonial’s border color. This option only applies to Design 1 and Design 6 testimonial styles.
- Background color – set your testimonial’s background color. This option only applies to Design 1 and Design 6 testimonial styles.
- Animation – animate your testimonial.
- Animation delay (in milliseconds) – set animation’s delay. Use miliseconds.
- Animate anytime this block enters the viewport – you can choose to animate the block anytime it enters the viewport, instead of only once.
- Class – add a custom CSS class to your testimonial.
- ID – add a custom CSS ID to your testimonial.
- Style – add an inline CSS style to your testimonial.