Testimonial slider
- title – add title, exemplary value: “Testimonials”.
- delay – time between each slide, exemplary value in milliseconds: “5000”. Default: 3000.
- duration – speed of animation, exemplary value in milliseconds: “700”. Default: 500.
- auto – enable or disable autoslides, exemplary values: “0” or “1”. Notes: “0” – disable, “1” – enable. Default: disabled.
Exemplary usage:
[testimonial_slider title="Testimonials title" delay="9000" duration="800" auto="1"]
[testimonial name="Michael Brown" name_link="" org="Company Name" org_link="" avatar="http://cleancutta.com/wp-content/uploads/avatar3.jpg"]Testimonial content[/testimonial]
[testimonial name="Michael Brown" name_link="" org="Company Name" org_link="" avatar="http://cleancutta.com/wp-content/uploads/avatar3.jpg"]Testimonial content[/testimonial]
[testimonial name="Michael Brown" name_link="" org="Company Name" org_link="" avatar="http://cleancutta.com/wp-content/uploads/avatar3.jpg"]Testimonial content[/testimonial]
See also demo of testimonial shortcode. In full download package (Dummy data/shortcodes-pages/testimonial.html) you can find the file with shortcodes we used to create demo page.
Did you know...
You can use “testimonial slider” element in drag and drop website builder (Visual Composer) and customize this element easily without coding skills. Parameters and design options are the same as in shortcode.