Timeline Block
Timeline Block cosists of two types of blocks: Events and Milestones.
Timeline Block options:
- Top margin – set the timeline top margin. Use any CSS-compatible margin value.
- Bottom margin – set the timeline bottom margin. Use any CSS-compatible margin value.
- Arrow position – set the arrow display to top, bottom, or no arrow.
- Line color – set the timeline line color.
- Dot color – set the timeline dots color.
- Class – add a custom CSS class to your timeline.
- ID – add a custom CSS ID to your timeline.
- Style – add an inline CSS style to your timeline.
To add Events and Milestones to your timeline, select the block you need and customize it:
Event Block options:
- Background color – set the event’s background color.
- Border color – set the event’s border color.
- Border width – set the event’s border width.
- Class – add a custom CSS class to your event.
- ID – add a custom CSS ID to your event.
- Style – add an inline CSS style to your event.
Milestone Block options:
- Background color – set the milestone’s background color.
- Border color – set the milestone’s border color.
- Border width – set the milestone’s border width.
- Class – add a custom CSS class to your milestone.
- ID – add a custom CSS ID to your milestone.
- Style – add an inline CSS style to your milestone.
To add content to your Event and Milestone blocks, use Text and Headline blocks and customize them with their options.