Unordered list Block
Unordered List Block options:
To add an unordered list, first use the Unordered List Block in Multi Elements. Use these options to customize it:
- List type – set the type of your list from icons, dashes or without bullets.
- Arrange list items horizontally – you can choose to arrange your list horizontally, instead of vertically.
- Top margin – set the list top margin using any CSS-compatible margin value.
- Bottom margin – set the list bottom margin using any CSS-compatible margin value.
- Top padding – set the list top padding using any CSS-compatible padding value.
- Bottom padding – set the list bottom padding using any CSS-compatible padding value.
- Item padding top – set the top padding of list items using any CSS-compatible padding value.
- Item padding right – set the right padding of list items using any CSS-compatible padding value.
- Item padding bottom – set the bottom padding of list items using any CSS-compatible padding value.
- Item padding left – set the left padding of list items using any CSS-compatible padding value.
- Item icon spacing – set the distance between the icon and the list item.
- Font size – set the text font size.
- Line height – set the text line height.
- Text align – set the text alignment to left, center or right.
- Separators – you can add a separator between your list items. Choose from: all, all but top, all but bottom, or between items only.
- Separator color – set the color of the separator.
- Background color – set the list background color.
- Animation – you can add animation to your list.
- Animation delay (in milliseconds) – set animation delay.
- Animate anytime this block enters the viewport – you can choose to animate the block anytime it enters the viewport, instead of only once.
- Class – add a custom CSS class to your list.
- ID – add a custom CSS ID to your list.
- Style – add an inline CSS style to your list.
Unordered List Item Block
After creating an Unordered List Block, add Unordered List Item Blocks for each list item, customizing them with the following options:
- Icon – choose an icon for your list item.
- Icon set – choose the icon set from Multi, Font Awesome solid, Font Awesome regular and Font Awesome brands.
- Icon size – set the icon size.
- Custom icon size (in px) – set the custom icon size. This option requires choosing custom size in icon size option dropdown menu above.
- Circled icon background – make the icon background round.
- Icon color – set the icon color.
- Icon background color – set the icon background color.
- Background image – set a background image to your list item. Choose an image from your WordPress Media Library or upload a file directly from your computer.
Note: You can also use this option to upload a custom image as an icon. - Parallax effect – you can add a parallax effect to your list item background.
- Background size – set the container background size. Choose from auto, cover, contain, or add a custom value.
- Custom background size – set a custom background size using any CSS-compatible background-size value. This option is available after choosing custom background size in the Background size option above.
- Repeat background – you can choose to repeat the background image, to repeat just horizontally or just vertically, or not to repeat at all.
- Background position – set your background position using one of the available position values.
- Animation – add an animation to your list item.
- Animation delay (in milliseconds) – set animation’s delay.
- Animate anytime this block enters the viewport – you can choose to animate the block anytime it enters the viewport, instead of only once.
- Class – add a custom CSS class to your list item.
- ID – add a custom CSS ID to your list item.
- Style – add an inline CSS style to your list item.