How to Customize the Footer in Multi WordPress Theme?
Multi gives you many ways to customize your Footer!
You can use the following footer options in Appearance > Customize > Footer:
- Footer display – you can display or disable the footer.
- Number of columns – set the number of columns in your footer.
- Show widget separators in footer – you can show or hide vertical separators between footer widgets.
- Footer background color – set the footer widget area background color.
- Footer background image – set the footer widget area background image.
- Background image size – choose the background image sizing options from auto, cover and contain.
- Repeat background image – you can repeat the background image, repeat it just horizontally, just vertically, or not repeat it at all.
- Full width widget area – you can set the footer widget area to full width.
- Widget area top padding
- Widget area bottom padding
- Full width bottom bar – you can set the footer bottom bar to full width.
- Full width bottom bar content – you can set the footer bottom bar content to full width.
- Bottom bar top padding
- Bottom bar bottom padding
- Enable fixed footer – set the footer to a fixed position.
- Show shadow – add a shadow to the top footer border.
- Footer content – here you can display any footer text or content you like.
- Show copyright with current year
- First footer element – choose the first footer element from Menu, Footer content, and Social links.
- Second footer element – choose the second footer element from Menu, Footer content, and Social links.
- Third footer element – choose the third footer element from Menu, Footer content, and Social links.
- Footer menu position – choose the footer menu position from many available options.
- Footer content position – choose the footer content position from many available options.
- Footer social links position – choose the footer social links position from many available options.
- Footer menu font size
- Footer content font size
- Show bottom separator in footer – you can show or hide the horizontal separator between footer widget area and footer bottom bar.
- Footer text color – set the footer text color.
- Footer headings color – set the footer widget headings color.
- Footer link color – set the footer links color.
- Footer link hover color– set the footer links hover color.
- Footer bottom link color – set the link color for the bottom bar content.
- Footer bottom link hover color – set the link hover color for the bottom bar content.
- Footer border color – set the color of the footer border (bottom separator).
- Footer bottom background color – set the background color for the bottom footer bar.
- Footer bottom text color – set the color for the bottom bar text.