Message Block
Message Block options:
- Type – choose the type of your message from Info, Success, Notice, Error, Custom.
- Custom style additional options:
- Background color – set the background color of your message box.
- Text color – set the text color of your message box.
- Icon – use the icon name here.
- Icon set – choose the icon set from Multi, Font Awesome solid, Font Awesome regular and Font Awesome brands.
- Icon color – set the icon color.
- Border width – set the message box border width.
- Border radius – set the message box border radius.
- Border color – set the message box border color.
- Custom style additional options:
- Show close button – show or hide the “close” button on your message box.
- Shadow – you can add a shadow to your message box.
- Animation – you can add animation to your message box.
- Animation delay (in milliseconds) – set animation delay.
- Animate anytime this block enters the viewport – you can choose to animate the block anytime it enters the viewport, instead of only once.
- Class – add a custom CSS class to your message.
- ID – add a custom CSS ID to your message.
- Style – add an inline CSS style to your message.